The Adrenaline Rush of Travelers

7 Jan

La Union Local (by heart)

There is the ROAD and then there is YOU. So, which is it gonna be? Are you going to travel that road to wherever it leads you or just stay where you are (which is probably your comfort zone) As for me, I WENT AND TRAVEL THROUGH THAT ROAD and (until this moment that I’m blogging this) I am still having my JOURNEY IN THAT LONG ROAD.

It was during August 2007 when I had my first series of local travels. I was a fresh drop out from UST back then (because we had to migrate to the States) and spent my remaining 2 months in the Philippines traveling. First, it was a family trip in Tagaytay before heading to Batangas to visit more relatives then my Boracay trip with my cousin (with a sidetrip in Aklan proper to see one of our grandmothers) and then my first ever cave spelunking in Sumaguing Cave located in Sagada. From that first taste of local travels including my US travels (dating back August 2007 until May 2011), I was just merely a tourist. It was more of going around places (at that time) taking pictures satisfying my vanity. I didn’t have a deeper understanding of what traveling really is nor a personal relationship with traveling at that time. I was just literally seeing places and crossing them out in the map.

When I went back in the Philippines for my Senior Year (June 2011), I was greatly devastated on my 3rd break-up with my ex-lover. I was tired chasing love and decided to go out again and see the world (a world I personally gave up because I was so in love like crazy in love). While my thesis was killing me, I was planning (on the side) my set trips for that year. Originally, I wanted to go to El Nido, Palawan but my friends were only willing to join me if we’ll go to Coron, Palawan. So there, I was able to plan our entire trip to Coron. Alongside, I was also coordinating with a travel agency for my Ilocandia (Ilocos) trip with my coffee mate. Both trips took place on October 2011. Hence, the birth of your Local Pinay Backpacker. See, break-ups aren’t that bad at all if you just see the BRIGHTER SIDE of it and choose to make things BETTER for YOURSELF. I made a choice that forever changed my life.

The following year, I went on to plan my set trips while battling NLE. It was a win-win for me because I was able to accomplish my 2012 set travels and PASSED NLE. Yes, your Local Pinay Backpacker is a REGISTERED NURSE. November 2012, I had to come back here in the States. At one point, we have to start chasing our dreams, right?

At this moment, I am reviewing for my NCLEX. But that shouldn’t stop us from doing something, right? While I don’t have set trips at the moment, I decided to blog my previous travels dating back as far as August 2007 until November 2012 (which is also a part of my 2013 bucket list).

Visit a place, learn their culture and imbibe with the people. You’ll get surprised on how much you can learn from them and who knows when you’re lucky, you might learn something about yourself or even better, find yourself.

The WORLD is out there waiting to be SEEN, APPRECIATED, and CONQUERED  by no other than YOU. So go ahead! Get out of your comfort zone. Break your standard routine. Bask in God’s Creations! Loosen up in life and enjoy the simple joys.

My travel blogsite is for everyone out there who are still sitting in the couch thinking life is better at where they are. A lot of travelers, photographers and even ordinary people have inspired me so much in my travels (who you’ll hear on my next travel blogs). In my own little ways, I hope to do the same. Be the message you want to be.

Are you feeling it? The adrenaline rush? Coz hell I just poured my heart out.

“Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things – air, sleep, dreams, the sea, the sky – all things tending towards the eternal or what we imagine of it.”



Your Local Pinay Backpacker